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Red Panda

Ailurus fulgens

Status: Endangered. They are protected in India, Bhutan, China, Nepal, and Myanmar, but they are threated because of habitat loss and fragmentation, and poaching.

Striking appearance of red pandas lead to many colorful colloquial names for them within the range of these shy and nocturnal creatures. The Chinese call the red pandas "fire fox". Throughout its range in the Himalayas and the surrounding regions, some of its other names are "fire cat", "fox bear", "cat bear", "cloud bear".

Red pandas are generally believed to be omens of good luck. Catching sight of the elusive creature conveys fortune to the witness. Within their range, tribal people of Yunnan, Nepal, and Bhutan have used their fur in ceremonial garments, for weddings, or to protect a shaman from the attacks of malicious spirits during healing rituals. In some regions, they are thought to be reincarnated Buddhist monks, for their bright colors are reminiscent of monks' robes.


Red Panda: Biology and Conservation of the First Panda. (2010). Netherlands: Elsevier Science.