Four-horned Chameleon
Trioceros quadricornis
Status: Vulnerable. At least 35% of the world's chameleons are endangered. Most chameleons are range-restricted, endemic to very small and specific regions, and so when those areas experience habitat loss, it has a devastating effect on these reptile populations.
The Bantu people in sub-Saharan Africa have a story about the origin of death. Many variations of this tale exist with differing details of the message and what causes the delay, but the result is that the word of death is brought to humans.
Before death for humans existed, the creator gave instructions and messages separately to both a chameleon and a lizard. He told the chameleon that he was to be a messenger to tell mankind that they would never die. Unbeknown to both reptiles, he gave the opposite instructions to the lizard, who was to tell mankind that they would die.
The two creatures set off on their paths, but the chameleon was easily distracted by fruit. Not realizing that the destiny of mankind rested upon the outcome of this game, he ambled along at a leisurely pace. He stopped to eat, and he walked slowly to enjoy his journey. The lizard, on the other hand, sped along quickly and soon arrived to deliver his message first. As a result, man was determined to be mortal and have a finite span of life.
Werner, Alice. "Myths and Legends of the Bantu", Frank cass & co. Ltd, London, 1968.
Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics: confirmation-Drama. (1914). United Kingdom: T. & T. clark. 412.