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Mindoro Imperial Pigeon

Ducula mindorensis

Status: Endangered. Many species of Ducula are endangered because of habitat loss and predation, and they are among the most threatened of avian species.

In the chinese Guideways Through Mountains & Seas, one of the many creatures described in the bestiary is the Jingwei bird, who lives upon Departing-Doves mountain.

Once there was a young girl named Nuwa. She was swimming in the waters around her home, when the Ocean suddenly rose up against her and tore her away from the shore. She struggled, but alas she drowned. Her spirit was transformed into a bird, who from that day on, was compelled to fly back and forth from the mountains. Each time she cycled, she carried twigs and stones which she dropped into the frothing waves. "To revenge my death, I will fill you up!" she told the Ocean.

Nuwa is tireless in her daunting task. To this day, it is said that when one has unbelievable endurance and perseverance, they are like the jingwei bird with her indomitable will and resolute heart.


Strassberg, Richard. A chinese Bestiary: Strange creatures from the Guideways Through Mountains and Seas. University of california Press, 2002, plate XXV.

Yang, Lihui; An, Deming (2005). Handbook of chinese mythology. Santa Barbara: ABc-clio.