Whale Shark
Rhincodon typus
Status: While the global population is hard to determine, the IUCN considers them to be endangered by to impacts of fisheries and vessel strikes.
As the world's largest living fish, whale sharks have inspired awe from mariners over the millenia. Their long migratory path takes them through many island chains and coastal areas.
In West Papua whales sharks are called gurano bintang, "gurano" meaning something that comes from the east and "bintang" meaning stars. As the open ocean is to the east of the nearby continents and landmasses, and the white markings on the creatureshift and wink like stars seen through the water's rippling surface.
The Bajo people are migratory fishermen who live upon their boats and move through the waters and along the coasts of Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, and the Philippines. It is said by their elders that whale sharks are forbidden for hunting, for they are guarded by a spirit. Other large marine species are also said to be guarded by spirits, and will help a fisherman in need, guiding them, or saving them from drowning.
The Swahili name for whale sharks is papa shilingi, which means "shark covered in coins". Kenyans tell of how the Creator looked upon the shifting surface of the seas, and sprinkled silver coins from the heavens into the water. The coins fell upon the whale shark, and thus the great creatures came to bear their striking coin-like markings across their backs and fins.
Stacey, N. E., Karam, J., Meekan, M. G., Pickering, S., & Ninef, J. (2012). Prospects for Whale Shark Conservation in Eastern Indonesia Through Bajo Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Community-based Monitoring. Conservation and Society, 10(1), 63-75. http://www.jstor.org/stable/26393064
Hanifa Miranda, Shark Program Support, WWF-Indonesia & Ranny Yuneni, Shark and Ray Conservation Specialist, WWF-Indonesia, "Whale Shark Tales from Indonesia's Islands". WWF, August 2021. https://sharks.panda.org/news-blogs-updates/latest-news/whale-shark-tales-from-indonesia-s-islands
Hianusa, Kelvin & Costa, Fabio Maria Lopes. "Rewards from Gurano Bintang Shark Conservation". Feb 2022. https://www.kompas.id/baca/english/2022/02/05/rewards-from-gurano-bintang-shark-conservation
Bassin, olker & Ender, Katrin. "PAPA SHILLINGI Short whale shark documentary". Indie Crush, 2009. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSwSIlMYQSY