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Wild Water Buffalo

Bubalus arnee

Status: Endangered. Loss of genetic diversity has occurred due to hybridization with domestic and feral buffalos, but they have also been threatened by hunting and disease spread from livestock interaction.

The Chinese zodiac is over 2000 years old, and as part of the astrological system, twelve animals are representatives of each year of 12-year cycles. A story is told of how these animals were first chosen by the Jade Emperor. A great race was held, and the twelve winners were awarded places in the calendar.

The animals were: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. Despite his steady gait, and his ability to navigate both land and water, Ox was second, due to a bit of trickery from wily Rat.

As the race was drawing towards its end, Ox and Rat were both in the lead. When they came to a great river near the finish line, Rat looked to the rushing waters and turned to Ox. "Friend Ox," he said. "Could you allow me to ride upon your back to the other side, as I would surely drown if left to brave these currents on my own, and you are strong and can swim so well!" Ox, being good-natured, agreed, only to have the duplicitous Rat leap off his back once they had crossed the river, and cross the finish line first.


Hsueh, ShaoLan. "The Chinese Zodiac, explained". TED, Feb 2016. https://www.ted.com/talks/shaolan_the_chinese_zodiac_explained?language=en

Fawal, Julia. "The surprising influence of the Chinese zodiac", Sept 2016. TED. https://ideas.ted.com/the-surprising-influence-of-the-chinese-zodiac/ https://billingslibrary.org/DocumentCenter/View/7232/Chinese-Zodiac?bidId=#:~:text=According%20to%20myths%2C%20the%20twelve,finish%20line%20on%20the%20shore.

Markarian, Taylor, "The 12 Chinese Astrology Signs and What They Mean for You". Reader's Digest, Aug 2023. https://www.rd.com/article/what-is-my-chinese-zodiac-sign/