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Eastern Cougar

Puma concolor couguar

Status: Extinct, 2011. Bounty hunting, and habitat loss contributed to sharp decline of their population during European settlement of North America, eventually leading to their extinction in 2011. However, in the vacuum of their presence in the ecosystem, there have been efforts to introduce western species into the regions where they once lived.

Among the Anishinaabe tribes in the Great Lakes and Northeastern Woodlands region, there are many tales of Underwater Panther. Underwater Panther is a powerful underworld being, and holds sway over aquatic creatures, all manner of fish and snakes. They are complimentary in their dominion from Thunderbirds, who rule the upper world and skies, and these opposite beings are continually at war. When these forces battle, then humans also experience strife, and when they are in a calm spell, then humans are peaceful.

Underwater Panther lives in the dark cold waters in the deepest parts of waterways and lakes. It is described as an enormous being with fur or scales, a copper tail, and horns of a stag or bull. In some tales they are protectors, or they are fearsome beings who must be petitioned for safe passage over waters, or sometimes they are malicious monsters causing men and women to drown. Although often seen as an evil creature, Underwater Panther is both feared and respected.


Howard, J. H. (1960). When They Worship the Underwater Panther: A Prairie Potawatomi Bundle Ceremony. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 16(2), 217-224.

Carr, C. (2022). Being Scioto Hopewell: Ritual Drama and Personhood in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. 380-389.

Native Languages: The Water Panther (Mishipeshu). http://www.native-languages.org/water-panther.htm